A new multipurpose building for Kurunegala Pradeshiya Sabha has been constructed at a cost of Rs. 215 millions of Puraneguma Project of State Ministry of Provincial Councils and Local Government Affairs and the provincial funds.

That building is due to be ceremonially opened on 02.02.2022 under the patronage of Hon. Minister of Finance, Basil Rajapaksha and with the participation of Hon. Minister of Highways and Chief Government whip, Jonstan Fernando, Hon. Governor of North Western Province and former Commander of Navy Admiral of the Fleet, Wasantha Karannagoda.
This project has been implemented under the Local Authorities Strengthening Program as per the policy statement of “Vistas of Prosperity and Splendour” of His Excellency the President Gotabaya Rajapaksha and Hon. Prime Minister, Mahinda Rajapaksha.


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